Friday, April 4, 2014

Wild Animals #1

This book is made by Scott Shaw!, who’ll eventually go on to co-create Captain Carrot. I found this book in a dollar box at a comic con a while back. I just recently remembered it and decided to give it a read.

The comic starts off with a story that begins in the middle. That’s because the first chapter took place in a comic that I neither have nor ever heard of. This book in question in over 30 years old by a publisher that I suspect hasn’t been in business for at least 20 of those years. I highly doubt I’d even come across the title on eBay! Plus, this book had a fairly decent recount of what I missed, so I will overlook this pet peeve.

That story is a rough parody of King Kong with a twist of Godzilla and a dash of Japanese racism. It’s pretty corny. In the rest of this book are about 30 one-page comics that range from stupid to extremely gut-busting funny. Then on the back cover is a pictorial of American presidents portrayed as a variety of animals. It’s an odd rendering, yet a few of those work, like Nixon as a jack ass and Polk as a cold fish.

I wasn’t terribly impressed with this book but I spent only a buck on it. I can see why they only made the one issue. The cover, as you can see is strange and that sums up this book quite well. It’s a strange look at the comic book genre known as “funny animals.”

Rating: 5 out of 10 stars.

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