Saturday, June 7, 2014

The L.A.W. (Living Assault Weapons) #2 of 6

L.A.W. (1999-2000) #2


With the JLA trapped in a demonic underworld, the earth grossly understaffed (or it’s it underpowered?) to deal with the global crisis attacking the armed forces of the third rock from the sun. Several C-list super heroes have been recruited to assist in the peacemaker project, which was designed for such a purpose. But will they be able to survive the trip getting there?


This issue continues to introduce the major players in this story. Thankfully, there is a plot behind all of this. Most of the characters are spread out across the globe and dimensions. So, it does take a while getting everyone on the same page.


One of the main characters is a man named Sarge Steel. I’ve come across this character before. He works for the Office of Meta-human Affairs. I didn’t know he was originally a Charlton character. I just figured he was a new character created by DC sometime after the Crisis. I also thought that Sargent (or Sarge) was his rank. It’s not- it’s actually his name, just like Maria Shriver’s dad Sargent Shriver. So how did I learn this little fact? It’s because of a series of great articles in the back of these issues detailing the history of Charlton Comics and its characters. The first couple of articles have been written by former Charlton editor, Dick Giordano. A favorite artist of mine, I was very lucky to meet him just a couple of weeks before his death. If you loved the old Super Powers toy line or those Superman and Batman lunch boxes in the 80s, odds are it was Giordano’s artwork you were admiring.


Worth Consuming.


Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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