Sunday, April 3, 2022

Hawkman, Vol. 1: Awakening

Around 2017, right around the beginning of Robert Venditti's Hawkman series, I sat in on a Q&A with the author. I had a general notion of what the series was about: Hawkman and his reincarnations. But what piqued my interest was when Venditti promised a chance to meet the Hawkman of Krypton. That was an idea I had never thought of.

A little later the same day, I went to another Q&A. This one was with Evan 'Doc' Shaner and Jeff Parker about their Future Quest series. The pair were very welcoming and while tech was setting up, they asked the handful of us in the audience if we had been to any other panels. I mentioned the Hawkman one and how there was going to be a Hawkman of Krypton. For a minute, Parker, I think, stroked his chin and then proclaimed 'That's a brilliant idea!'

Thanks to that singular yet enthusiastic, I immediately put that Hawkman series on my wish list. Of course there was a caveat. I'd wait until I could somehow get my hands on the whole thing to read at once. It took several years but last week I was finally able to get my hands on both volumes at my local library. And I loved it! 

This series doesn't just seek to revisit all of Hawkman's past lives. Instead, Robert Venditti is on a mission to make sense of those reincarnations! From his time as the Egyptian ruler Khufu to Katar Hol of Thanagar and lives in between, the mystery as to why Carter Hall is bound to constantly be reborn throughout time AND SPACE is revealed!

Yes, there was a Hawkman on Krypton. But that wasn't the only big reveal. Some other really cool revelations are that other seemingly unrelated characters in the DC Universe are also Carter Hall reincarnations. Sir Justin, the Silent Knight and the old western gunslinger Nightwing are also some of the adventurers past lives. 

A re-teaming with Ray Palmer in the microverse explains more of the science behind Carter's past lives, especially as the hero starts to experience time slips. It very well could be possible that two or more reincarnations can operate at the same time and place. So I wouldn't be surprised if it's revealed that the current Nightwing, Dick Grayson, is also a Carter Hall reincarnation! 

As Carter Hall uncovers the mysteries surrounding his confusing past, Hawkman will learn that an even greater mystery is on the horizon. One that threatens to destroy Carter Hall's beloved planet Earth. And one tied to Carter's first life in which he has no memory of at all!

I loved this opening love letter to the character of Hawkman. It highlights just about every aspect of the icons history. Don't expect to see the JSA in this series as at this point in DC History, those heroes don't exist. Also, Shiera/Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman is not as much of an active player in this story as you'd expect her to be. Yeah, she's here. But Shiera isn't a part of Carter's active search for answers. And I can't put my finger on why that is...

I devoured this first volume in just a couple of hours. Maybe not even that long. This was a fun ride with elements of Indiana Jones, Doctor Who and comic book history all mixed in. 

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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