Friday, April 22, 2022

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, Vol. 2 (Family Comic Friday)

My local comic shop will sometimes order things for me based on previous orders. I don't really have the heart to say no, unless they order something I already have. But today's review is one of those recommendations that hit a bullseye.

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures is the all-ages version of Marvel's more mature comics series. I haven't been reading any of this, mostly because my Star Wars era is Classic Trilogy. (The first is the best!) The premise is that centuries before the rise of the Skywalkers, the Republic is at its zenith. The Jedi are highly revered and Yoda is old, but not that old. 

The safety of the galaxy is threatened by two fronts. A carnivorous species of plants called the Drengir is viewing the inhabited planets of the Republic as their own personal smorgasbord. Meanwhile, a group of space pirates called the Nihil see the Great Expansion of the Galactic Republic as a threat to their territories and way of life. Using a specialized type of hyperspace that can bend the rules of physics, the Nihil can attack anywhere at anytime without warning and without remorse. 

The first collection of stories introduced all of the major players to this story. As I've come in somewhere in the middle, I was a little bit lost. Thankfully, the writers do a fairly good job keeping the readers on top of things. And whatever questions that still remain a quick jaunt to Wookieepedia provides me those answers I seek.

Besides Yoda, there aren't very many characters from any of the movie trilogies. And for now, Yoda is M.I.A. Yet without these familiar faces, this series is very much Star Wars. There's swashbuckling adventures, crossroad level life-changing choices and Jedi. Lots and lots of Jedi. The good thing about these stories is that despite not having those icons of Star Wars that are beloved, there is a theme and feeling that young readers will love. 

My first toe dip into the Era of the High Republic. And I had a blast. My heart still belongs on Hoth, Bespin and a certain princess. But I enjoyed this collection enough to want to both get my hands on volume 1 and find out what happens next! I think the young reader Star Wars fan in your life is gonna feel the same.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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