Sunday, June 19, 2022

Marvel Comics Presents #114

The Arabic superhero, the Arabian Knight, makes a return visit in this issue. In his last appearance, issue #47, I was under the assumption that Abdul Qamar was a character in like the 8th or 9th century. But as Qamar battles a mutated villain called Sandstorm, I learned that this guy's story has been occurring in the present day. 

See Sandstorm was a former American soldier who had recently fought in the Gulf War. Iraqi enemy agents captured this guy and dosed him with some sort of chemical agent that reacted with the soldier's latent mutant abilities. As a result, the Marvel Universe has another master of silicon dioxide (Sand for those of you in South Carolina.)

The other 3 segments were really good. Wolverine's torrid love affair with Typhoid Mary, Ghost Rider's encounter with a group of mutated scientists turned bad and Iron Fist, and the Bill Foster led story just kept getting better. 

If I had to choose a winner for this issue, it would be the Giant-Man tale. Turns out that all the missing Stane tech was at the result of a shrinking baddie. So the contrast of a growing superhero having to take on a shrinking villain was very well balanced fun.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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