Saturday, July 2, 2022

Marvel Comics Presents #121

It's the penultimate chapter of the Wolverine/Venom story. It's been 5 chapters so far and really not much has happened except for a lot of mutant and symbiote backbiting. 

Yet, we get this 8-pager starring a minor Atlantean character called Andromeda and more happens in that story that 40 pages of Wolverine and Venom plus another 24 pages of a really weird adventure seeing Ghost Rider assisting Cloak & Dagger!

In the Andromeda story, the warlord Attuma has once again captured Atlantis and is about to lead an assault on the surface world. With Namor nowhere in sight, Andromeda and a bunch of bourgeois Atlanteans get together and overthrow one of Attuma's warlords by unleashing the Kraken! Literally!

In the other 8-pager, the Native American member of the New Mutants Moonstar. Recently, Moonstar discovered that she's got some Asgardian gifts and abilities after a recent adventure in Valhalla. Wanting to make sure Moonstar doesn't forget her heritage, a pair of Native American deities seek to test the young mutant by guilting her into forsaking the world of the white man.

Why is it that the one shot stories seem to get more done than the supposedly way better flip-cover stories starring Wolverine and Ghost Rider? I'm glad I didn't pay full price for these books back in the 90s. I think I would have been so peeved by the crappiness of the main lead stories that I never would have finished the complete run. Thus, resulting in missing out on a lot of really good short stories starring characters that I never would have known even existed.

Here's to Marvel doing an amazing job on its lesser known properties with a lot of up-and-coming talent. I just wish this extended over to the heavy hitter stuff.

Rating: 5 out of 10 stars.

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