Monday, July 18, 2022

Marvel Comics Presents #129

Once more, there's no end in sight for any of the 3 multi-part stories. But if the Wolverine story keeps being as hilarious as it has been (unintentional I'm sure) it can keep on.

But it's really time for the Ghost Rider/Typhoid Mary and the Iron Fist tales to conclude.

In the crimes against comics department, the Crossbones adventure should have been a two-parter or maybe even a three issue involvement. It was that good. Wolfpack's John Figeroa has the criminal pulling Suicide Squad duty. As part of his rehabilitation and to earn time off his sentence, Crossbones must infiltrate a hospital that has been take over by terrorists and free the hostages. 

The crux of this story was that there were many opportunities for Crossbones to escape. But he just won't do it. Not because he's reformed or anything. It's just not the right time to make a break for it. 

Okay, so we've got 2 stories in one issue dealing with domestic terrorism. This issue was published sometime around the summer of 1993. That makes the US about 2 years away from the Oklahoma City bombing. Oh, wait, the first attack on the World Trade Center was earlier this year. That explains why Marvel seems to be really focused on the threat of terror in their stories right now. 

Having realized all that, the past 6 or so issues of MCP have been time capsules of societal fears. Had Marvel had just stuck with the Ghost Rider story which involves a terror group taking over a shopping mall, I might not have made any historical connections. But with 2 stories (in  1 issue) about terror, I saw an unusual pattern and now I understand why. 

That being said, I'm only half satisfied with this issue as 2 stories are just getting stale and frankly a bit boring.

Rating: 5 out of 10 stars.

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