Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Victor Crowley's Hatchet Halloween Tales III #1

Sure. It's November 1st and I'm reviewing yet another Halloween comic book. In Mexico, today and tomorrow is Dia de los Muertos and today in Europe, it's All Saints Day. Both holidays are what All Hallow's Eve or Halloween lead up to. Thus, expect 2 more Halloween comics for review!

One of those two books up for review is this one: Victor Crowley's Hatchet Tales III is based on the main character from the Adam Green horror franchise Hatchet. I was really looking forward to this book after I had read a small preview of another Hatchet one-shot in the pages of American Mythology Monsters II #1 earlier this year. That preview had deranged ax murderer Victor Crowley taking on a Sasquatch in the Louisiana Bayou. I was hooked. I was also thrilled as I realized that I had another comic starring Crowley and was pumped into thinking it was going to be as good as that preview. 

Boy was I wrong...

First of all, Victor Crowley doesn't host any of these stories. In fact, I don't think the character has the ability to really speak in the first place. Instead, this trio of terror all takes place during several very deadly Halloweens on or very near Victor's home base of Honey Island, La.

In one story, a group of corrupt cops lure an honest cop to his demise only to meet ghastly fates at the hands of Victor. In another, a young man seeking revenge against Victor for the death of his father, unleashes a demon. Soon, Victor appears and everything goes to hell. Lastly, in the somewhat near future, a group of teens uncover the legend of Victor Crowley and head out to Honey Island to find out the truth behind the mythos.

The story with the corrupt cops was perhaps the best of the 3 stories. I just wish that there was more backstory between the bad cops and the one good policeman. 

The story that occurs in the future was rather interesting because one of the characters in the story was a real person. The year prior, a young man won a silent action benefiting yorkie terriers. The fundraiser was hosted by Hatchet creator Adam Green and the prize was the chance to be killed by Victor in one of the stories of this book. I had learned that there was another auction going to be held for someone to win the chance to be in the 2022 special. But I missed my chance of a lifetime as that auction had occurred earlier in the year. Maybe there's a chance for 2023!

The one problem I had with all these stories was that they were just too freakin' gory. I think the encapsulating stories were good. It's just that the way Victor kills indiscriminately. It actually was making me a tiny bit nauseous. 

I also wasn't a fan of the story involving that demon. That kind of horror really isn't my thing. But I will admit that the opening narration about how the boundaries between good and evil are razor thin on Halloween night, was one of the best openings in a horror comic that I have come across in a very long time. 

For the most part, Victor Crowley's Hatchet Halloween Tales weren't scary. But they were sick and bloody. If you were one who went to see Terrifier 2 and it didn't make you vomit nor faint, then this might be the sort of comic book for you. In reverse, the way I felt reading this comic is proof I should never see Terrifier 2. EVER!

Rating: 4 out of 10 stars.

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