Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Legends of the DC Universe #19

I'm torn. I usually hate it when you read a book and then you find out that the cliffhanger is in the pages of another title. In this case, the cover explicitly states that the JLApe storyline starts here. (JLApe was a cross-over event in which members of the JLA were turned into various types of primates by Gorilla Grodd.) Then at the end of the book there is a checklist of the other books in the story arc. So, I applaud those steps to keep the reader in the know.

However, Legends of the DC Universe is supposed to tell untold tales of the best and brightest of the DC Universe. To me, that means stories from their early days. Here, we get Impulse, a 90s creation. Okay- you can still operate within the realms of this series premise with this. You can expound on Bart’s life in the 30th century. But to tell a story that occurs in the ‘present’ seems to defeat the concept of telling the backstories of the DCU.

The story itself was very good. It was funny, exciting, and made me want to read more
Impulse. Also, I am not on the hunt for the rest of the JLApe annuals.

However, this story does not operate within the established parameters set by the editorial staff in the letters pages of issue #1.

So, I will deem this story worth consuming but I must knock it down a peg because it didn’t stick to the essence of Legends of the DC Universe series.

Worth Consuming

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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