Thursday, November 6, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow’s Avengers

Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow's Avengers (2012-2013) #TP Vol 1

'Guardians' was the surprise hit of this summer. It was also the mega hit and as of late September, it was still the #1 movie of the season. The adventures of Star Lord, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot took comicdom by storm. So, of course, the publishing of their earliest exploits is the perfect next step for Marvel. Published originally in 2012, this book that gives the team’s origin was reissued shortly after the success of the film became apparent.
 Sadly, that move was dirty pool!

 Well, despite the fact that I read this book cover to cover, I’m still waiting to learn how a Lord of stars, a talking rodent, and a dancing tree became the mightiest heroes in the galaxy. This book does cover the origins of the team named Guardians of the Galaxy. But let me run by the line-up and you tell me if that’s who I’m talking about.

Charlie-27: the last man from Saturn, super bulky, super strong.

Nikki- the last girl of Mercury with fiery red hair.

Martinex- with his crystal body, he can shoot a combination of heat and cold rays and is the team’s engineer and pilot

Yondu- a blue skinned humanoid with magical arrows

Lance Astro- the 1,000 year old man, stuck in an air tight suit that should it ever rip, he’d crumble to dust (How does he eat, much less go to the bathroom?)

Starhawk- a strange humanoid with amazing powers and an even more far-fetched origin.

See no talking raccoons here folks!

Now, I knew when I got my hands on this book that this wasn’t the team from the movies. However, I am sure there was many a person who bought this book after seeing the film and was sorely disappointed that the movie and book just didn’t add up.

So what’s the deal here?

The movie Guardians exist in the present day. This team operates in the year 3,000 during an alternate time line. Here a reptile race called the Badoon has conquered the solar system. These strange men, who fly in the starship Captain America, are humanities last hope to through off the yolks of intergalactic slavery.

This is the first of two volumes that chronicle the adventures of the original Guardians. I won’t say that they are superior to the movie squad but they do have their own merits. They bicker and fight in the true Marvel style, there are some great team-ups with modern day Marvel characters such as Captain America, the Thing, and the Defenders, and the plots are quite good. They’re a little controversial too as the alleged first sex scene of the age of the Comics Code is portrayed in some graphic fashion.

While I am not on the hunt for volume 2, what I’d really like to find is a team-up between the original Guardians and the modern day team. That would truly be epic.

Worth Consuming

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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