Friday, April 1, 2016

Captain Marvel, Volume 3: Alis Volat Propriis (Marvel NOW!)

   Carol Danver’s sabbatical in space is about to come to an end. But before it does, Captain Marvel must rescue her beloved cat, Chewie from a band of space pirates. But her mission won't be easy as her ship has been sabotaged and Chewie’s captors have a commanding lead over the cosmic powered Avenger. Good thing she's located a wormhole that should beat the catnappers to their destination. Too bad Carol didn't get the message to 'avoid the space envelope’ from her extraterrestrial friends.

  Then the series of Captain Marvel comes to a close when friends of Carol's pay a fond farewell to a fallen friend. Is the dearly departed Captain Marvel or someone close to her? I won't spoil it, folks. You'll just have to read this for yourself to find out.

   This volume contains the last issues of the 2014-15 series before the continuity skewing events of last year's Secret Wars. This volume was a fun read, but it lacked a little of the charm of the previous volumes. I think that's mostly because the only characters in this book are Marvel and her sarcastic spaceship, Harrison. They have some classic moments of banter but most of their interactions involve really horrible puns. 

( Hmmm… Harrison… Chewie… I think someone's got a thing for a certain scruffy- looking Nerf Herder…)

 The final chapter, however, was something special. It had that little spark of heart and humanity missing from the rest of the book. Plus, it cleared up several questions that I had from the 2012 series that contains events just prior to Danver's mission of self-discovery in the furthest reaches of outer space.

   Though this series is through it is not the end of my doings with the Carol Danvers Captain Marvel. I happened to get my hands on her Secret Wars miniseries but don't worry, I haven't spoiled the ending of this series by revealing my reading list as Secret Wars is an amalgamation of different Marvel stories and timelines.

Worth Consuming.

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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