Thursday, January 24, 2019

RASL- Book One: The Drift

A inter-dimensional art heist. A lizard-faced assassin. Sex. Lies. And Nikola Tesla!

RASL is a book that I've been aware of for a while. Let for some dumb reason, I just wasn't willing to pull the trigger for one reason or another. But then something just clicked and I couldn't overlook it any further.

Man, what a doof was I! The opening chapter to Jeff Smith's physic/crime caper was fantastic! The story was quite good. But it ended too soon! Good thing I was able to head to the library today and pick up the next two volumes. 

In terms of the artwork of RASL, it's typical Jeff Smith for me. I love the inking and how clean everything is. But for some reason, he just can't do some faces right. The reptilian baddie is creepy good. But our hero looks like a bobble-head! 

There was an old lady in Smith's most popular series, the all-ages friendly Bone. Rose Harvestar! RASL or Robert, depending on who is referring to him, looks like a male version of Rose Harvestar. When he first appears all beaten up and bloody; let me just say that it's not a pretty sight. 

An excellent opening salvo of a story. Great art overall with some really terrible faces. But I can overlook it because Jeff Smith has created a universe- no multiverse!- that I want to return to again and again!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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