Monday, October 10, 2016

Batman: Unseen #1

   When a deli clerk is brutally murdered, Batman follows a lead to a small time hood who left fingerprints at the scene. But it seems that there is more to this mystery than meets the eye when witnesses come out of the woodwork of Gotham, describing a skinless ‘meat man’ as the culprit behind the attack. Who is this new mystery menace?
   In reality, this new foe is a disgraced researcher who's been contacted by the Black Mask gang to create the masked mob boss an army of invisible men. But, as with H.G. Wells original story, the formula drives the scientist into a bloodthirsty frenzy. As the boffin ups his doses of invisibility formula, the chemist’s body becomes even more intangible but it’s driving this scientist absolutely mad. How will the Dark Knight deal with a foe he can’t see and maybe not even control?
   Batman: Unseen #1 is the first of a 5-issue miniseries that pits the Caped Crusader against one of Gothic horror’s greatest characters. In truth, Batman isn’t really fighting against H.G. Wells’ creation. In fact, the main villain goes as far as to state that Wells’ work was an inspiration to him.
   It kinda irks me that DC touts this book as a sort of battle royale between the Bat and the original Invisible Man. But the story itself was quite good. It’s a true Batman mystery yarn that explores the theme of masks and visibility in society. But above all else, it’s the Dark Knight in his element, being a detective as opposed to just a superhero for once.

  Worth Consuming

  Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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