Monday, December 18, 2017

A Classic TV Christmas- Advent 2017 Day 18

Yesterday was a tribute to one of my mom's favorite Christmas episodes. Well, today I am covering one of my very favorites. 

It comes from the short lived anthology TV series Amazing Stories. Produced and sometimes directed by Stephen Spielberg, I wouldn't miss a single episode from it's two year run (1985-1987.) This show had everything. Action, Adventure, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror, Humor. It was a return to magical television every Sunday night.

Santa '85 has the real Santa in trouble with the law. Those new fangled hi-tech burglar alarms have gotten Kris Kringle locked up. Claiming he's the real Santa won't do him any good as there's several other guys dressed as Santa in the clink for breaking the law while dressed as the Jolly Elf. 

Thankfully, there's somebody who believes he's the real deal. The little boy from whom his parents press charges against Santa, devises a way to help bust St. Nick out of jail. It's home free back to the North Pole. But not before a cross-town caper full of laughs and other crazy slapstick. 

Another fun fact: the actor who plays Santa, Douglas Seale, would go on to play the role again in the feature film Ernest Saves Christmas. I guess he sleighed the role (Ha! I kill me...)

So for today's Advent gift to all of you, I present this December 24, 1985 classic. I hope you will love it as much as I. Sorry again about the formatting. But it's better that nothing. Enjoy and until next time- Merry Christmas!

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