Monday, August 8, 2022

Marvel Comics Presents #138

Readers are introduced to the character of Spellbounder in this issue. According to the Marvel Wiki, the character has been around since 1987. But other than a 6-issue miniseries (Spellbound), Spellbinder had never made an appearance in any other series until now. Not even a cameo. 

Right now all I know is that Erica Fortune became Spellbounder. She has telekinetic powers which are amplified by a pair of power bands that are of alien nature. In this opening chapter, the owner of those rings, the alien Zxaxz, has returned and wants them back. With this first chapter basically introducing me to all the main characters, the jury is still out on this one.

Wolverine is still on his tropical island holiday. One that is filled with aliens, a navy blue gorilla and a seemingly random slave to the extraterrestrials that Logan thinks he knows from somewhere. As things are still getting sorted out, the jury is still out on this one.

The samurai clad Masters of Silence have determined that Ghost Rider isn't such a bad egg. Yes, he's got some evil in him. He is fused with the demon of vengeance, ya know. But all parties have agreed to team up against the monster who has been killing native Chinese in an immigration smuggling scam for money. Things are starting to come together; however the jury is still out on this one.

The one-and-done story has Spider-Man trying to protect a hospital full of patients from an evil entity called Deathurge. As I've said before, I'm several months behind on the reviewing of these comics. I really can't recall anything about this story. So, I think the jury is out on this one- guilty of being a forgettable story!

A relatively tame issue in which all of the multi-parters are still trying to gain their footing. The single issue Spidey story was apparently not worth my time.

Rating: 4 out of 10 stars.

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