Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Marvel Comics Presents #146

Issue #146 marks the last of the 'Siege of Darkness' devoted issues. 

You really get the sense that these 4 segments are designed mostly to tie up the loose ends. Though there are some notable occurrences peppered throughout.

In the Doctor Strange segment, the demoness Salome makes her first appearance. A minor character that has yet to appear in any movie or TV show as far as I can tell. This debut probably does very little to move the issue value needle. But that could change.

Readers are re-introduced to the Nightstalkers. A trio of ghoul hunters composed of Blade, Hannibal King and Frank Drake; these guys really hate each other. The Children of the Night might have a legitimate chance if the Nightstalkers decide to finish each other off first!

The Devil-Slayer, Eric Payne, is finally given a chance to redeem himself. After years of battling booze, demons and skeptics, the troubled hero finally comes out on top. 

Lastly, continuing from last issue's Ghost Rider story, Danny Ketch attempts to move Heaven and Earth to safe a friend and ally from a deadly Lilin attack.

Speaking of that Ghost Rider story, this is Ketch's swan song in the pages of MCP. At least as a main feature. Wolverine stepped down several issues ago and next issue, Vengeance, that much more hard core version of Ghost Rider will take over for a little while.

Lastly, I want to talk about the cover. As you may recall, MCP has flip covers. The Blaze cover was far more superior than the Doctor Strange image I chose. I don't know why, but I just like the one with the Sorcerer Supreme more for some reason.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 7 out of 10 stars.

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