Wednesday, October 15, 2014


I’ve now seen 4 episodes of Gotham. So I feel like I can give an adequate review of the show. With FOX ordering a full season order, I should have about 22 episodes left to watch. Oh, I can’t wait.

Gotham is a prequel to the Batman trilogy of Christopher Nolan’s. Well, sorta. There’s a big focus on the mob war brewing between the Falcone family and the Maroni’s. That was quashed by the Bat in the first film.
But another premise for this series is something that the Nolan movies haven’t really delved in. That idea is to examine how some of Batman’s biggest villains became who they are. In this series we see how Penguin, the Riddler, and Catwoman got their start. Catwoman was the only character even in the last 3 Batman films, so I’m not really sure if we’re to go under the assumption that Batman got rid of them in-between sequels or something.
One of the main problems that many fans of Batman have with this series involves the Gotham City Police Department. See when Bruce Wayne becomes the Dark Knight in the comics, Detectives Bullock, Montoya, and Allen are relative new comers to the city. But here, they’re seasoned veterans compared top fresh faced Jim Gordon, direct from Detroit.
I see this series as a sort of Elseworlds title in which somethings are tangent from the real Batman universe timeline. Also in the Elseworlds books, it’s explained that in those stories there occur things that “don’t exist or shouldn’t exist.” So maybe that’s you answer- Montoya & Allen shouldn’t be in Gotham, but hey, this is a different earth so anything can happen.
Things aren’t always as they seem and that seems to anger fans. One case in point is Harvey Bullock. In the comics, he’s a slob and kinda lazy but he’s as honest a cop as they come. Here, he’s on the take for the Falcones. Now, my theory is that Bullock is undercover for Internal Affairs, collecting data on corrupt cops. But he’s got to play a slime ball in other to fit in with the rest of the bad apples in the GCPD. Now that he’s got straight arrow Gordon as his partner, Harvey’s got to be more cunning or Jim’s going to blow his cover.
I don’t really mind that some characters are too old or that they don’t belong. I’ve been a fan of DC’s imaginary tales for so long that it doesn’t bother me. Plus, GCPD is one of my favorite series of all-time. It shows the workings of the Police Department without the assistance of the Bat. I think this series captures that spirit very well. So what if Rene Montoya would be almost 50 when Bruce dons the cowl? This is good television.
One pleasant surprise has been the character of Oswald Cobblepot (AKA the Penguin.) When I saw previews of this series, I didn’t think actor Robin Lord Taylor quite had the chops, much less any resemblance. But, I’ve been proven wrong! Taylor’s Penguin is cunning, ruthless, and has panache for the good life. His beak nose and the walk he now walks after a serious leg injury is episode 1 has made this Penguin so very close to being the definitive Penguin on stage and screen. He’s only missing a little padding- okay, a lot of padding.
Gotham has potential and it’s rumored that many more fan favorite villains and their origins will be revealed. I’m hoping they’ll tackle some of the lesser known members of Batman’s Rogues Gallery. Characters like Tobias Whale, Humpty & Dumpty, the Bookworm, and even the Mad Hatter and the original Clayface could be used to an extent that it would be plausible that they were adults and active before Bruce Wayne matures.
Like Elseworlds, the possibilities are endless even if they shouldn’t be.
Worth Consuming
Rating: 9 out of 10 stars
Gotham airs Monday nights at 8pm EST on FOX.


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