Sunday, October 26, 2014

Plants Vs. Zombies: TIMEPOCALYPSE (2014 Halloween ComicFest Exclusive Mini Comic) (Family Comic Friday Extra)

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Plants Vs. Zombies is a video games series in which you play as a gardener who uses his array of mutant plants to fight off a zombie invasion. It’s wacky, it’s weird, and it’s gotten an E-rating (E for Everyone.) It’s proof that not everything with zombies in it is bloody, gory, or scary. This Halloween, when you go trick-or-treating, you might even get lucky enough to get on of this in your door-to-door travels.

In this mini comic, a mad scientist has created a device that will block out the sun, thus causing all of the mutant plants to die and for zombies to take over the town. As everyone knows, zombies aren’t that smart and when one accidently mistakes the sun blocking machine for a toaster, he blows up the device. The explosion causes a rift in time and pieces are sent throughout the past and future. With zombies being sent through time to recover the device, it’s up to a young girl, her looney uncle, and her best friend to save history.

The book ends with a “To Be Continued” and that usually makes me mad. However, this book leads into an online series and the link to reading the rest of Timepocalypse is listed on the back inside cover. So, if you or your kids love this series, you have information as to how to get the rest of the comic.

I’m sure you’d have to pay a small fee as eBooks aren’t always free. Now, if you are like me and you are strictly ‘paper-only’ you could wait a few months. The first book in this series (PVZ: Lawnmageddon) was a digital first comic and then went to print a few months later. That book is currently in hardback and sells for $10.00.

The art is cartoony. It’s not overly scary or gory. The story itself is rather comical. I did find some of the sight gags and jokes a bit too childish for me. There’s even a toy line which isn’t very objectionable either, unless you are opposed to guns. But the guns shown in the toy ad in this comic don’t look realistic at all. Plants Vs. Zombies should appeal to ages 6 and up. Most adults shouldn’t have a problem with this book if your child receives this while trick-or-treating. Why, this might open a window to the vast universe of comics.

Oh, the joyful possibilities of this.

Worth Consuming

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.




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