Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The 18 Days of a Star Wars Christmas Miracle +7: Day 8

It's time to spread a little Christmas cheer with everybody's favorite walking carpet: Chewbacca!

  So tall, so furry, so gosh darn loyal and lovable. It's one reason we named our second son, Chewbacca! (This is no joke, we actually have a HUMAN child named Chewbacca, or Chewie for short.)

  Anyways, the picture of the album you so on the left is a real recording. It's not officially licensed, but somebody took all of the noises Chewbacca made in the original trilogy, put them on a synthesizer and put them to music. Much like those Christmas albums that use puppy barks and cat mews to single Jingle Bells- someone had the idea to make Silent Night using Wookiee calls.

 So my gift to you today is a sample of the  fabled recording along with a link to another song that answers the eternal question: What Do You Get a Wookiee For Christmas When He Already Owns a Comb?


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