Sunday, February 20, 2022

Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest #23 (2022 Comic Book & Graphic Novel Reading Challenge)

From 1979-1986, kids got a real treat everytime they went to the supermarket: The Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest and it's shorter lived sister series DC Blue Ribbon Digest. For only $.95 ($1.25 for the longer 'Best Of' books), kiddos hot 100 pages of your favorite superheroes and comedic characters. 

Each issue had a specific theme. There was Superman Vs. Luthor. The Years Best Team Stories. Binky's Summer Fun. Batman's Villains. There were even a couple of holiday editions too! 

Sure, the books were released in digest form. Sure, the original source material wasn't designed for digest form so things didn't quite look right. Sure, the lettered dialogue was like a font size 2. But the covers rocked and if you annoyed mom and dad long enough in the checkout line, you were guaranteed a copy or two.

The Best of 1981 issue of the series featured 10 tales from DC's vast line of titles. The overall winner was from Detective Comics #500. 'To Kill A Legend' sees Batman and Robin gifted a chance from the Phantom Stranger to save a Wayne family on another Earth from the gun of Joe Chill! It's an Alan Brennert, Dick Giordano and Adrienne Roy instant classic!

The other 9 stories: 

Sivana's Nobel- Dr. Sivana's reputation as an evil mad scientist is at risk when Captain Marvel nominates the fiend for a Nobel Peace Prize, based on the fiend's 'failed' experiments that end up benefiting humanity.

The Dummy- Sgt. Rock's Easy Company have just lost their BAR man. Their new recruit ends up being a real dummy. Literally!

A Day In The Lives- Witness a typical day in the lives of the New Teen Titans. Changeling has to save his dad's company. Cyborg meets some special fellas who totally relate to him. Kid Flash enjoys dinner with the fam. And Raven takes on a demonic power. 

Piper at the Gates of Hell- A House of Mystery yarn about a small town that participates in a hellish rite in return for it's societal panacea. 

The Haunting- After his wife and son leave him, Jonah Hex goes on a binder that brings up ghosts from his past.

The Triumph- Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps take on a pair of foes that will one day usher in a CRISIS and a BLACKEST NIGHT.

Whatever Happened to the Crimson Avenger?- Len Wein, Alex Saviuk and Dennis Jensen answer that question.

The Pursuit of Joy- A segment from the short-lived but powerful 'Tales of Gotham City' series. A virtuoso and a struggling violinist are destined to meet on the streets of Batman's home turf.

The Dying Day of Lois and Lana- Superman struggles to find the cure to a plague that has Lois Lang and Lana Lang's hours numbered. It's the same virus that killed Ma and Pa Kent! So for the Man of Steel, this is personal!

I didn't feel that this was a perfect collection of stories. The Sgt. Rock adventure was rather odd. I can't believe that Rock would be tolerant of a rookie that carries a ventriloquist dummy with him everywhere. But he does! If it was Nick Fury, the kid would have his butt chewed out and the dummy in pieces. 

Personal tastes aside, this was a wonderful anthology issue based on the top tales of 1981. Even at 44 years old, I jump for joy when I find one of these beauties for a good price. Sure, I need a magnifying glass now to read them. But there's such a wave of nostalgia that comes over this madman when I hold one of this tiny beauties in my hand. The smell of the newsprint. The feel of the smooth cover and rough paper. I loved it!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

Completing this review completes Task #36 (Issue from an Anthology Series) of the 2022 Comic Book and Graphic Novel Reading Challenge.


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