Saturday, February 5, 2022

Ghostbusters: Ghost Busted (2022 Comic Book & Graphic Novel Challenge)


Comics and graphic novels that originate from Japan. Often printed in black & white for either economic reasons, aesthetic purposes; or both! Based on Japanese scrolls from the 19th Century, most manga is read from right to left. The artwork is highly stylized and sometimes a characters emotions or a scenes overall theme might result in the characters looking totally different for a panel or two. While a majority of manga is based on popular Japanese franchises or an all-new idea, a manga set to a licensed property from the West has become a growing trend in the past 50 years. Batman, Star Wars, Star Trek (Original Series and Next Gen.) and the Marvel Universe have all received the manga treatment. 


A doomed labor of love from Dan Aykroyd to create a project to help keep best friend John Belushi out of trouble, resulted in the birth of a comedy horror franchise. In 1984, the world was introduced to the Ghostbusters. Ray, Peter, Winston and Egon. These four heroes work to free New York City from the threat of the demonic Gozer and it's army of ghosts and demons. After a not-as-good sequel, an amazing ABC Saturday cartoon series and toy line and a handful of video games ranging from god-awful (Sega) to epic, the Ghostbusters were turned into a manga in 2008.

Ghost Busted is set a couple of years after the events of Ghostbusters II. Reinstated by the mayor of New York, the guys set about ridding the world of spectral threats. But instead of just blasting every ghost they run across, the Ghostbusters have also gotten into the medium business. 

Realizing that many spirits are just the deceased trying to right some wrongs before heading over to the other side, the fellas now try to solve the Big Apple's ghost problem peacefully. However, should things get out of hand, the Ghostbusters are not afraid to use their nuclear powered proton packs. 

While the Ghostbusters continue to investigate the paranormal to great success, a character from the team's past hasn't had it so good. A plan of revenge is brewing. Allies are being recruited. Soon, a new team of busters will wall the city streets. A team of the undead. Meet the Ghostbuster-busters!

This Manga might not be all that traditional. The publisher, Tokyopop isn't Japanese. It's an L.A. based company whose Manga division was based in Germany. Up until 2011, Tokyo pop published German translations of Japanese comics as well as original English language Manga for American markets. The company now focuses strictly on Japanese properties. 

Also, this book reads left to right like a traditional English language text. The panels also rotate clock-wise instead of counter. But the artwork is definitely traditional manga. When a character gets emotional, they become angelic chibis or hyper-sensitive emojis. 

So Ghostbusters: Ghost Busted wasn't very true to the manga genre. However, I'm not your average manga reader. The number of manga I've read compared to traditional comics and graphic novels looks like the electoral college numbers between Reagan and Mondale. With exception of the cat-centric What's Michael?, I don't think I've read anything manga that wasn't based on an American property. 

Plus, I love Ghostbusters. I didn't realize how much I needed them until COVID. With being lockdown and then bogged down, I counted down the days to the true sequel of the franchise Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Even after being pleasantly surprised with that 2021 film, my hunger for Ghostbusters continues to gnaw. Consider my appetite sated. But I'll be hungry for another round of my favorite ghost hunters soon! Because CRUD! No Slimer!!!

Though I might have cheated reading an Americanized manga published in Germany, I enjoyed this read. The 2022 reading challenge is supposed to take me out of my comfort zone. I argue that I did venture out a bit. I just didn't swim out into the deep end of the manga pool

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

Completing this review completes Task #41 (Manga Work) of the 2022 Comic Book and Graphic Novel Reading Challenge.

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