Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Destroyermen: Iron Gray Sea by Taylor Anderson


The marooned crew of the World War II destroyer Walker and their Alliance with the Lemurians face its greatest challenge. While their leader, Captain Reddy, has gone off in search of a rogue Japanese battle cruiser that’s recently transported from our world, the Alliance holdings in India is hit with a new variety of Grik warriors. Ones who are less primal, more collective, and just as aggressive. Plus, the enemy has unleashed some newer and more deadlier weapons to destroy the Alliance once and for all.

Just when you think all is lost, Anderson turns the switch and allows a brief glimpse of hope that the Alliance will finally conquer the Grik and their Japanese allies. This was perhaps my favorite book in the series since book three, Maelstrom. I love how technical he can get with weapons design and life inside a platoon. However, there are tons more action in this book than I feel the last two books combined have been.

I’m not totally happy with how the series is playing. Anderson keeps killing off characters I really like. Plus, he’s added a new character from America’s Intelligence office in “our world” to this alternate earth.  He’s very snarky and I just feel like he’s going to but serious heads with Captain Reddy soon enough in the next book or two.

Regardless, I cannot wait for the next book in the series. I totally devoured the last 100 pages in two days. It was so very worth it and so very much Worth Consuming.

Rating 9 out of 10 stars.

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