Tuesday, December 4, 2018

They Made A Christmas Album?- Advent 2018: Day 4

The 80s was a fantastically weird time. We became video gamers. We thought Australia was the coolest place in the world to have a nuclear apocalypse. And we would buy any and everything from a computer generated head. That's right- today's featured artist is Max Headroom. 

Created by Rocky Morton, Max Headroom was a parody of TV talk show hosts. Max operated as an A.I. type creation that would glitch with a weird stutter and incorporate sound bites from famous people. But I'm about to blow your mind. Not only was the character voiced by actor Matt Frewer, Max Headroom was actually played by Frewer as well! That's right, Max Headroom wasn't CGI. He was a human being in prosthetic make-up!

Prepare to have your childhood's ruined...

Max was first seen in a British cyber-punk film called Max Headroom: 20 Minutes Into the Future. But he evolved overtime in a New Coke spokesperson, his own TV series and later a video game! In hopes of cashing in on the Max Headroom fad, the character even turned to the world of music...

Released as a single in 1984, Merry Christmas Santa Claus is deceptive. You think at first that it's a hi-tech tribute to the crooners of old. But then Max talks about Ole St. Nick needed a colostomy bag and other odd descriptions and you realize that this is one big fat parody of holiday classics. 

I'm sorry that the video quality isn't that great. It was the best I could find. You should be more upset that I'm sharing this lost piece of 80s schmaltz. That's the real crime against Christmas. 

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