Wednesday, December 5, 2018

They Made a Christmas Album?: Advent 2018- Day 5

Alright folks- prepare to have your faces melted off. I'm going hard and heavy for today's Advent as we feature the glam rock band Twisted Sister!

This band's heyday was in the 1980s. Literally shouting their lyrics, TS created it's fan base with songs about teenage angst and rebellion. They also used humor and nostalgia utilizing the character Douglas C. Neidermeyer (and actor Mark Metcalf) from Animal House as the antagonist dad in the music videos for We're Not Gonna Take It and I Wanna Rock.

Unfortunately, lead singer Dee Snyder's Congressional testimony against warning labels on albums resulted in the band's demise. Coming in sans make-up and looking semi-professional actually turned away fans when Dee was acting in the best interests of his followers. (Testifying with John Denver in tow didn't help things much either.)

Then came 2006. In an 'out of nowhere' move, Twisted Sister returned to the studio and put out out a Christmas album! I remember watching something late one night and a commercial for the album, 'A Twisted Christmas', came on TV. I first thought it was a joke! But it was no joke, the heavy metal rockers really did drop a holiday album.

The song most connected with this project is the hymn O Come All Ye Faithful. Now you might think that the choice of song is extremely odd for Twisted Sister to do... and it is. But here's an even odder fact- the song We're Not Gonna Take It was based on O Come All Ye Faithful! Yes, Dee Synder confirmed this when doing PR for the holiday album!

Here's the song as my Advent present for today. Be sure to keep listing as in the first 10 seconds, you are going to think that I accidentally shared the band's 1980s iconic tune. 

Rock on, everybody!!!

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