Saturday, November 2, 2013

Captain America: Castaway in Dimension Z (Marvel NOW, Volume 1)

 This is a trippy little book. Captain America is transported to another Dimension in which Armin Zola is lord and master of everything. Thanks to the former Nazi's twisted mind, everything is not as it seems- there's a plethora of weird creatures, the constellations aren't right and keep changing, and a young baby that Capt. rescues from Zola ages rapidly in a matter of months.

   It's all the fun of a Captain America thriller set in a futuristic hell. Imagine Mission Impossible set in the wastelands of Mad Max, and a little Lone wolf and cub thrown in, with our hero caring for a young boy and all.

 I like it. It's not my favorite Capt. tale, but it's good. The first issue or so is a little jumbled as Steve Rogers is drugged and he's the narrator of the story. So, as he's trying to come out of his bad LSD-like funk, we- the reader- is in a mist as well. Once that's all cleared up, it's a fantastic read!

The art is very good. It's done by John Romita, Jr. The art isn't quite as crisp and iconic as during his prime. Yet, it's telling to his skill, that he can still outdraw just about any young buck trying to break it into the comic medium.

 I am eagerly awaiting volume 2!

Worth Consuming.

Rating 8 out of 10 stars.

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