Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"Captain America: Civil War"

I’ve not been following the Civil War storyline much, but after reading this, I’m going to. Capt. is great- why did they have to kill him (or did they??) But the main reason to read this is the Winter Soldier: Winter Kills solo story. It was really good and truly “Bucky” deserves his own title, unless, they’re making him the new Capt. – which I think, would be a terrible idea. "Bucky’s interaction with the Patriot, (new) Hawkeye, and (new?) Vision and his leadership/ earned respect makes for a great covert ops series (as long as none of the 3 underlings dies in the Civil War) - Take note of this Quesada. Doing a series like I propose might make me like you again (but only just a little).





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