Friday, January 11, 2008

"Superman in the Seventies"


Maybe it’s because I’ve read no less than 3 of these stories in other anthologies. Maybe it’s because Clark Kent works for a TV station and not the Daily Planet. Maybe it’s because Superman eats kryptonite for breakfast and doesn’t get sick from it anymore. OR maybe it’s because Superman in the 70’s sucks.

Probably, it’s a lot of all of these reasons. By far, this is the worst volume of “Superman in the (insert decade here)” series. Art was wrong, stories were far-fetched, and even the Earth 2 Superman story was weak (though actually the best story in the book). Don’t waste your time on this one folks. Like how many of our parents like to forget that the seventies ever happened, take their advice and forget that DC made this volume.

Not worth consuming, which is really sad, cause I like the 70’s and really hate to prove my parents right (thankfully that’s hardly ever)!Oh, and PS…The cover is wrong, this multiple style a ’la Andy Warhol was considered to have lived out its 15 minutes of fame by 1968 and is more suited to grace the 60’s volume. Lois Lane in an afro or Jack Kirby’s Superman would have been more suited. (and yes both things happened in the 70’s)

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