Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Classic Toys from a Madman's Youth: Advent 2019 Day 4

For today's Advent, I'm focusing on a pair of toys that I know I had but I'm not sure if I got them for Christmas or not. But I have memories galore of owning them.

 It's the Captain and Tennille!- In doll form!

Captain and Tennille were a pop musical duo that saw enormous popularity in the 1970s. They pair were married and they sang songs about love and muskrats and muskrats in love. They also had a TV variety show for a while from 1976-77. 

In 1977, the fledgling toy company Mego released a pair of dolls based on the musical group. The Daryl Dragon figure was dressed in his standard yacht captain garb along with white captain's hat. It was all significant of Dragon's days with the Beach Boys when lead singer Mike Love called him 'Captain Keyboard.'

Toni Tennille's doll wore a red dress. It was accented with a blue ribbon and white collar. As the Captain wore a red ascot, Tennille's clothes were designed to pair with each other's color palette. Mego also released several outfits for Toni to change into. But I never had those.

For the late 70s, these dolls were clearly meant for girls. So how did I end up with them? Well, according to my mom, she was sure I was going to be a girl. So I think while my dad stocked up on boy toys for me, my mother bought some girl things with this pair being a part of her purchases.

I had a pair of neighbors who were older girls. While they played Barbie, I remember bringing over my Captain and Tennille dolls and would have them sing and entertain Barbie and her friends. Since I am now a professional chef, entertaining others was obviously in my blood. 

Where are the dolls now? Who knows? I lost a lot of my action figures. My mom probably threw them out or gave them anyway. While I would have loved to had these in order to sell in which to use the funds to buy myself some comic books, I'm actually okay with their loss as the Captain and Tennille would eventually divorce due to issues with the Affordable Care Act. Thus, the duo were lying when they sang that love would keep them together.

Well, it wouldn't be Advent, if I didn't offer you a present. So my gift for you today is a video from the Captain and Tennille Christmas special from 1976. It's Toni singing Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas with her niece in tow. 

(Man, does Tennille have some huge teeth!)

Please try to enjoy anyways...

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