Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fanboys Vs. Zombies #3, Halloween Theme


Yeah, I know that I came in on the middle of this series. But, I got it in a grab bag and I thought it’d make a good Halloween theme read. Boy, I wasn’t wrong about that! Here, a group of comic book fanatics take on the undead during an outbreak at San Diego’s ComiCon. Like other zombie works made by fans of the genre, the characters know they rules- like if bit, keeping fighting until you start to turn, then you’re worm food and don’t separate from the pack. Wander off and you are dead! Well, with rule #1, somebody got bit and if it wasn’t for a 5-hour energy drink knock-off to ward off the virus’ effects; one main character would already be toast. (Bad news, the gang’s running out of energy shots!) And for the issue’s cliffhanger, one of the gang went off in search of a hot dog. But, I think they’re going to be alright, because that character is on the cover of the next issue in the back of the book. Who Knows? Not me, because I don’t have issue 4.

I think I might like to get the rest of this series. It was funny and clever. Not quite Shaun of the Dead funny, but it had promise. It’s like Shaun and Clerks had a baby. A little crude, some swears, and tons of pop culture and zombies! Good stuff.

Worth Consuming

Rating 8 out of 10 stars.

Fright Factor 5 out of 10 stars.

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