Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Weird Mystery Tales #24, Halloween Theme


This is the final issue of the short-lived horror anthology of the mid-70s. It wasn’t that it was a bad horror title so much as it just wasn’t as popular as its sister titles House of Mystery and House of Secrets. Plus, this book was published during the great DC implosion and due to its third wheel status; Weird Mystery Tales was doomed to be axed.

Sadly, this series went out on a whimper, not a bang! The cover story deals with a sidewalk toy salesman whose popular animated bears weak revenge and havoc on the man’s killers. It’s really far-fetched and I thought the ending was ultra-lame.

The second story was a knock-off of 1984, THX-1138, and just about any other big brother time sci-fi work of the time period. Even the “twist” ending was a rip-off of a Shakespeare play. The only saving grace for that story was the lovely artwork of the great Michael Kaluta.

I wasn’t very happy with this issue. It wasn’t scary at all and the plots were poorly structured. The art of the second tale was the only thing I liked.

Not Worth Consuming.

Rating 3 out of 10 stars.

Fright Factor: 1 out of 10 stars.

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