Monday, February 10, 2014

GI Joe #74

G.I. Joe (1982-1994) #74B

 If you grew up watching the WWF in the 80s like I did, you might remember and annual event called the Royal Rumble. There was a potential for 50 wrestlers to end up in the same ring at the same time. The point of the match was after 49 people’s feet hit the floor outside the ring, the athlete left standing was declared the winner. This marathon event might’ve meant you might have seen your favorite wrestler team up with his arch-enemy to beat up on somebody both guys hated. Sometimes you’d see friends fighting friends cause there wasn’t anyone left to fight. It was tons of fun.

And it’s a royal rumble that’s taking place on Cobra Island. Cobra has been split in two with Serpentor, Tomax and Xamot’s Crimson Guard and Doctor Mindbender facing off against a pseudo- Cobra Commander, Baroness, and the Dreadnoks of Zartan. But that’s not all, helping the Serpentor led coalition is Gen. Hawk and the Joes! It appears the American government would rather back a democratically lead tyrant over a dictator ship. Adding to the drama, we’ve got Destro and his Iron Grenadiers just blasting the hell outta everyone!

It’s like every kid who had GI Joe figures dream. I loved every panel, every page, every line, every minute of it. This is my favorite Joe storyline of all!

Worth Consuming.

Rating: 10 out of 10 stars.

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