Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Doctor Who: Apollo 23 by Justin Richards

Sorry, you can't look inside...

In this full length novel, when an American Astronaut all of a sudden winds up in a London burger joint, it’s up to the Doctor and Amy Pond to discover just what happened. Their inquiry takes them to a secret base on the dark side of the Moon, where some very questionable mind altering experiments on prisoners is being conducted. Soon, the Doctor winds up like the astronaut, stranded in a desert in the American west, without his trusty TARDIS, which is still on the lunar surface. Now, a never used Apollo capsule is all that can aid the Doctor in order to not only restore order on the base, but to save Amy from a possible alien invasion.
I try very hard not to judge a book by its cover. However, I was heavily influenced by the cover of Apollo 23, thinking the astronaut might in some way offer some hints into the Impossible Astronaut who kills the Doctor at Lake Silencio in Season 6- or at least some further inside. But, that’s not the case here. I wonder if other readers were fooled by this premise too.
Regardless, it was a very good story. I loved it. I started reading it during last month’s Doctor Who reading event, but it took a little longer than expected to finish, because I tend to read novels slower than I do a comic book. (Plus, I misplaced this book for about 4 days before remembering I left it in my wife’s car.)
I love to read Doctor Who novels, and this is actually an original story, not a novelization of an episode. I thought the writer had a very fluid style that captured the Doctor and Amy on paper very well. Though, some of the action scenes and technical jargon just seemed a little far-fetched and un-survivable to me.  I am very interested to read more original offerings not only from this author but in the series as well.
Worth Consuming.
Rating 8 out of 10 stars.
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Whimey rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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