Sunday, December 22, 2013

Fantastic Four: volume 2, #4

Once again, Marvel suckered me in for a Christmas issue that has nothing at all to do with Christmas-except the cover. In yet another Heroes Reborn issue, we get the Fantastic Four meeting up with the Black Panther in an attempt to recover a mysterious artifact that fell from earth and possibly responsible for the FF gaining their powers. There’s also a mysterious infiltrator of the Baxter Building. It’s not revealed who it is, but I think it has something to do with the death of David Banner in issue 3 and 4 in Iron Man.

It was a very good it. It’s making want to collect the entire Heroes Reborn series, even if the art is horrid Rob Liefeld quality AND not the Christmas issue I was expecting to receive. The writing is the best part and I love how this reboot is filled with more original ideas than other attempts to revitalize a series and end up recopying the older series issue for issue.
Fantastic Four (1996-1997) #4B

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