Sunday, August 10, 2014

Fantastic Four: Big Town #1 (of 4)

Fantastic Four: Big Town (2001) #1

   In the not too distant future, the combined intelligence of Reed Richards and Tony Stark has turned Manhattan into a utopian society. Known as “Big Town’ crime is basically a thing of the past. Then again so is the NYPD, the fire department, and so much more as Richards and Stark have automated everything. Everything is relatively under control!

  The rest of planet earth benefits from the technology that has created Big Town. However, there’s still some kinks in the system as only the Big Apple has the large concentration of super heroes to respond to big threats quickly. But things aren’t quite so smooth in Gotham as outlying the outlying boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn has been overrun by outlaw mutants unhappy with Charles Xavier’s view of mutant/ human relations.

This whole concept is very interesting but I’m not sure if this is a “What If” type story or is this set in the distant future of the 616-universe. It’s kinda like being hit by a very persuasive salesman but not really knowing where his sales pitch is going. I hope I’ll learn more of this in future issues.

Aside from the story, the art is pretty good for late 90s Marvel. The anatomy is very balanced, the inking is clean, and the color palettes, while obviously computer enhanced, are pleasing to the eye. It’s some pretty striking eye candy for the average and above average comic collector. But this is not your dad’s Marvel universe by any means.

Worth Consuming.

Rating: 7 out of 10 stars.

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