Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sharknado and Sharknado 2: The Second One

Today I gave in to the cultural phenomenon that is SHARKNADO! Friends of ours who have really good taste in comics and sci-fi recommended it and my and I decided to give it a try.

Now I love B-movies: the schlockier, the better. One of my favorite shows of all-time is Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (MST3K). It was a show in which people in front of the screen mocked horrible movies, just like I would do with friends in college (I minored in Film Studies.) The whole “how unbelievable” routine was in full force between my wife and I with myself playing the ‘believer’ to her ‘skeptic.’

Now I normally don’t combine things into one review unless they’re packaged together in a bound volume or a set. But since the two films are pretty much interchangeable, I made an exception. I will have to say that the second film was better, probably because it didn’t take itself so seriously. The opening sequence is a parody of Airplane! And that William Shatner episode of Twilight Zone. Only instead of a monster on the wing, a giant water spout of sharks attacked a commercial airliner.

SyFy and probably the world, was shocked that Sharknado was such a big hit. I’m one of those people. Even more shocking was how many people tweeted how this was the best thing that ever happened to them (The version I watch of Sharknado 2 was a repeat from Saturday with tweets from viewers last week posted in the left hand corner.) Really, a B movie about a storm system full of sharks- the best thing that ever happened to you? I feel for our country.

The sequel also garnered a lot of stars making cameos. I was surprised how many A-listers were in this thing. The first film only had Robbie Rist guest starring in it. (Yes, the same Robbie Rist who destroyed the classic show that is the Brady Bunch as the toe-headed coke battle wearing cousin Oliver. I cheered wildly when his character ‘bit’ it!) S2: The Second One had Kelly Osbourne, Kelly Ripa, and Michael Strahan, actual meteorologists from the Weather Channel and Al Roker and Matt Lauer!

I actually lost a little respect for Roker and the Weather Channel. It’s not because they agreed to do this movie. I gave them a little bit of props for that. No, I’m ashamed of the ‘reporters’ for actually reporting these sharknado weather patterns as real. I know it’s a movie but in both Sharknados, the meteorologists classify these weather spouts as EF5 tornados. That wouldn’t happen in real like as the Enhanced Fujita scale determines the amount of damage left by a tornado. It would not be classified until after the storm subsided.

I’m not going to get into the whole global warming debate but shame on SyFy and Al Roker for trying to convince me that my use of automobiles and air conditioning is going to cause man-eating sharks to rain from the sky.

Both movies are corny with bad acting, dumb lines, and even dumber special effects. However, I found it an enjoyable way to spend a mindless Sunday with a wife whose under the weather. I was entertained but unlike when I watch an Academy Award winning film, I like these movies for their lousiness not their genius.

As with any cash cow, the powers that be are going to milk this thing. I expect a Sharknado 3 to finish out a trilogy. And with other cultural phenomenon’s I would bet money that movie 3 will be in 3-D and in theatres, if only for a brief weekend showing. Will I be in line for that? Probably not, but I won’t rule out another lazy Sunday in front of the tube with some maple bacon popcorn.

Worth Consuming because it’s so bad it’s good and it has that ‘train wreck’ effect to it.

Rating: 5 out of 10 stars- this isn’t Jaws folks.

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