Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Fred Hembeck Sells the Marvel Universe #1

After the success of Hembeck Destroys the Marvel Universe it was a no-brainer that a sequel would be forth coming. Sadly, Marvel dropped the ball on this- sorta.
This comic isn’t comprised of all-new material. It’s a treasury of so of Hembeck’s work from Marvel Age. Why Marvel wouldn’t allow Hembeck to create another original story like in Destroys is beyond me. That’s why I think there’s never been a third book to round out a trilogy.
There is one short story about Hembeck and the obscure Marvel Horror character- Brother Voodoo and that’s it! Apparently, Brother Voodoo is the butt to a lot of Hembeck’s jokes but it really isn’t that characters fault. In an article at the end of the comic by Hembeck, he admits that he got Brother Voodoo confused with another character- Brother Power, the Geek, a sort of hippy Frankenstein monster that’s not really bright. I guess it’s understandable as both characters have ‘Brother’ in their name. But Brother Power was a DC character!
Usually, I get really ticked if I buy a comic and I don’t know that it’s just a bunch of reprints. However, since I have no intention of ever collecting a run of Marvel Age books, I’ll forgive it this one time. The cartoons were really funny although some punch-lines got stale (see Brother Voodoo.) The funniest cartoons were Cyclops’ x-traordinary answers to everything and a call-in show in which callers keep getting Quasar confused with Nova. The lamest cartoons were, well, I told you to see Brother Voodoo, right?
Worth Consuming and you should be able to find this in a bargain bin. You’ll just have to look really hard, like I did.
Rating: 7 out of 10 stars.

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