Friday, December 3, 2021

Looney Tunes #263 (Family Comic Friday)

If I was to quiz you as to what is currently the longest continuing running DC Comic what would you guess? Action Comics? Detective Comics? Would you believe it's Looney Tunes? Starting in 1994, DC Comics has captured the antics of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Taz, Tweety & Sylvester and countless others. In this issue, the focus is on Wile E. Coyote and Ralph The Wolf!

I didn't know this but Wile E. and Ralph are not the same character! I always thought that Ralph in the Ralph and Sam cartoons was always Wile E. Coyote and that Sam was calling him Ralph as a bit of a joke. But thanks to this issue, I've learned that Sam looks just like the coyote but with a couple of changes. Ralph's nose is red and he has a snaggle tooth. 

In the opening story, Ralph and Wile E. are laid up in the hospital after their most recent run-ins with the Road Runner and Sam the Sheepdog. Their doctor recommends a change of pace. So the two canine cousins decide to take on their other's domain. Thus it's Wile E. in the meadows trying to score one of Sam's sheep and Ralph has a vast inventory of Acme Co. products at his disposal! 

Wile. E Coyote also appears in feature #2. Here, Yosemite Sam is hosting a documentary on the hunting habits of the North American Coyote. Unfortunately, Sam has chosen Wile E. Coyote as his documentary subject and naturally, things are anything but textbook. 

Lastly, Sylvester and his son are trying to capture a mouse. This happens just as the local circus' Tasmanian Devil has escaped. Taz is just about to eat the mouse when a deal is struck. Don't eat the rodent and in return, the little squeaker will serve up a bigger meal- Sylvester the Cat!

Only the first story was all-new. But it didn't really matter to me. It was all great stuff. I would love to have the complete Looney Tunes run and having the reprints could help with that. Back issues are not cheap as many of them have been thrown out or destroyed by young readers as time goes by. 

This issue just debuted on shelves within the last couple of weeks. If you can find a LCS that offers kids comics, you should be able to find a copy no problem. You can also go to Amazon and eBay. But with shipping, you could have bought 2 or 3 extra comics for the young reader in your life at the comics shop.

A must for any fan of Looney Tunes!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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