Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fox Kids Funhouse Presents the Tick in a World of Pain(t)

 Back in the late 90s, we kids were blessed with the world’s greatest super hero cartoon show. No, I’m not talking about Batman: the Animated Series (though that show totally rocked.) Nope, I am talking about the Tick! He was wacky, crazy strong, had a bunch of bizarre enemies and even more bizarre allies. Oh, and he was totally nuts.

This digest features the Tick and his flying moth sidekick Arthur in an all-new adventure. When a villain kidnaps Arthur from the local Laundromat, it’s up to the Tick and his new weapon, the Tick-a-rang, to save the day. In order to do that, the Tick must survive the world’s most deadliest game. That’s right, bring on the paintball!

Besides a couple of minor technical glitches and what I assume was a bit of dialogue that should’ve been remove due to an editing mishap, this Tick story was pretty good. It made me miss the TV show. Plus, I’d be willing to search out further digests (if the exist.)

This digest also featured stories involving other Fox Kids cartoons. In Bobby’s World, the youngster imagines himself becoming the world’s mightiest plumber when the family toilet goes haywire. Then in Life with Louie, young Louie Anderson (yes, that Louie Anderson!) and his friends go camping. Only it’s his dad who thinks roughing it means staying at a campsite with no free HBO! The first tale was smart and I enjoyed it very much. The Louie tale was just way too long and a little sophomoric. Plus, the character of Louie is just one of the most hideously drawn characters in the history of animation. I feel bad about that, since it’s based on a real person.

Overall, not a bad way to kill a half hour. I loved the Tick and Bobby’s World. I could’ve gone the rest of my life without reading about Louie Anderson camping.

Like Meatloaf says “2 outta 3 aint bad.”

Rating: 7 out of 10 stars,

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