Saturday, January 18, 2014

GI Joe #55

G.I. Joe (1982-1994) #55 Variant A: Newsstand Edition

This looks like it’s going to be the GI Joe issue everyone’s been waiting for. Only, it’s not…

Yes, Destro and Cobra Commander (who survived and escaped the destruction of the Pit) do indeed remove their masks and uniforms in able to escape back to Cobra Island. However, what you see isn’t their actual faces, but them in ridiculous beards, sunglasses, and 80s rock video garb.

This cover also shows Snake Eyes removing his mask. In several issues, you see much of his face, but it’s always obscured to prevent the reader from seeing his scars. Again, we only see the back of his head.  Bummer! Although, I have it on good knowledge that all three characters true faces are eventually revealed before the final issue of GI Joe. So, there’s that to look forward too!

Also, I had about gotten to the point of thinking that Marvel was never going to get to what happened to Candy (AKA Bongo the Balloon Bear), the Soft Master, and Cobra Commander’s estranged son Billy after they hit a moving train and everything exploded. Thankfully, the suspense that was killing me is over as all three’s ultimate fate is finally revealed.

Despite the disappointing reveals of the Masked Three, learning the fate of those involved in the train wreck almost10 issues ago make up for the tease. That keeps this book interesting and worth consuming. Way to go Marvel and Larry Hama for keeping the plot moving and pulling my leg at the same time.

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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