Thursday, January 16, 2014

Paro-Dee #1


This is a surprise! Paro-Dee is a Christian Comic. I wasn’t expecting that when I found this is a bargain bin. I thought it was your run of the mill Indy comic that parodies the big two- DC and Marvel. Instead, this book skewers everything- from cults to the media, devil worship to those classic EC Comics I love so much, to as you may have guessed- DC and Marvel.

The book is from the 90s. Having been to a Christian school during the 90s, that means that just about anything that is Christian is sinful. I remember being sent home for wearing a Duke Blue Devil T-shirt. I quickly learned that if I was going to enjoy life at that school, I had to adapt and that meant studying the school handbook and finding ways to bend the rules without breaking them. I’m not badmouthing my faith. I’m proud to be a follower of Jesus Christ- I just don’t think that means that I can’t enjoy a Beatles record, root for Duke, or collect comic books. Jesus ate with sinners; I can read a John Grisham novel.

Anyway, back to my point. This book does a great job when it shares its faith open and honestly, just like I did. This book fails when it gets judgmental. For instance, there’s the great story in which a panel on comic book morality is taking place at a comic convention. There’s Christian who can’t understand why  comic books can’t be about action and adventure and have become morality plays with just about everyone having only one moral- if it feels good, do it! The guy shares his faith, and he doesn’t judge. It’s a great read.

  Then there’s the cover story, which blames Ted Turner, Madonna, and rap music for all of the world’s ills. Only by strict avoidance of the secular world will out heroes prevail. Life isn’t meant to be lived in a bubble. That doesn’t work and neither does this X-Men parody.

A diamond in the rough. You just really have to chip away at those rough spots to enjoy this book.

I give it a rating of 6 due to outdated thinking, but still think the book was worth consuming for the most part.

Rating: 6 out of 10 stars.

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